Mighty Forces - Make me Web Smart!

“Be Bold and Mighty Forces will Come to Your Aid”

I feel like Christopher Columbus… Making homepages is my new frontier! But getting there isn’t so easy. Every day is a new challenge. Take today, I was going to make some FAB updates to my page! Not! Didn’t happen.

First I had FTP server file problems… first thought… what the hell is that? Took me some thinking and finally I got it J Suspected it had to do with what AirPort I was using… since our Internet was/is down! So, my solution was to connect through my boyfriend’s android phone… Did NOT work, got all these different FTP problem notifications.

I call THE Loopia (my web hotel) man and ask if they knew what’s up, and he tells me that the android probably can’t upload through port 21 on android… oki think I can get that. Normal web traffic goes through port 80, makes me wonder…what runs through all the ports before, between, and after???? There is a whole new world out there!!! Fantastic! So, well, anyway, I borrowed my mother in laws Internet stick! Smart of me, before I totally freaked out.

Second… I had changed all my file names to include the word Sweden Guide. And I mean ALL of them. This was because I wanted to get higher on the search list on Google. Shouldn’t be a problem? Well it is. Now my browser only finds my old index files… so when you put in www.sweguide.com you don’t find my new updated pages. GAAAA! = Scream of Frustration.

After calling Loopia again I found out that I had made a rookie mistake, apparently you cannot name your index page anything other that index. Or their server will NOT recognize it… Who knew!? Well I didn’t. So after a day of frustration (noting compared to learning PHP…)(will not even go there) NOW the page is up and functional :D Yeay!

AND today I got a part time job at a Tourist Information Bureau! Double Yeay!

Still… not ever searchable on Google… what to do?

Tomorrow more research! Mighty Forces come to my aid! Night!


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