19/5 Contact Count Down
After two weeks spent in a state of a kind of intoxication, induced by the exhilarating feeling of sudden freedom, I hit rock bottom, and my high became pure torture. I can't say that this intoxication was easy in any way, it's all kind of a blur. The no contact policy was broken (by me) when I realized that I had an overwhelming urge to vent my feelings as I was slowly coming out from my blurriness. All these thought and feelings just had to get out, and only to one person, My Ex B...
So last week-end I called him, we talked it felt good. Decided to have semi contact and meet up next week-end. We made a bargain to try to be really honest with each other. Aaaand one point of honesty was important for us, or shall I say me, the point of saying if one of us do something with the opposite sex... hum.
Well I'm not gonna go into the specifics of doing something, you all know it! What that entails, that is! So anyway. We concluded that we both still were Single Virgins. No taking of the ex virginity so to say. To me that felt good to know, silly me.
As my mom later said, "It's non of your business, he is young, supposed to F**k around. The more he does it the sooner he gets that it's not the way to go." Yeah, my mom said so...