Get over your ex list!

Oki so now it's been a while since I broke up with my B... or shall I say Ex B. So do I feel like I've gotten over him. To be honest I don't know, this newly single is tricky shit. Feels like I may have done something wrong... or am I missing some important ingredient? Well lets find out! Searching the internet I soon came a cross this article.


Drick, träna - och hitta någon hetare.



(My translation)

1. Drick

Dra ihop ett gäng kompisar och tillbringa en kväll i alkoholens tecken där du endast förringar och förlöjligar det motsatta könet. Hetsa alla att prata skit om sina ex och jävliga breake-ups.

1. Get Drunk

Get together with friends and spend the evening drinking. The topic of the evening being the total slaughter and ridicule of the opposite sex. Bait the crowd to talk bull about their exes and bad break-ups.  
(My translation)

My observations

Well, I got the drinking down which isn't difficult to do. However, lets face facts, no way I could hate men... ok I could hate some men. But who would waste a whole night bad talking your exes. Not interesting enough... And even worse! Creating a hysteric bunch of bitter bitches before going out... that just sounds dangerous, especially if we are talking about my girlfriends! That's just asking for trouble!

2. Rebound

Med någon yngre och hetare. Tumma aldrig på denna regel.

2. Rebound

With someone younger and hotter. Never disregard this rule.

 (My translation)

My observations

Hahaha, oki. Well to be honest I've done that, and it works. But the case is that I usually end up dating the rebound for a year or more. Then I break up and find a younger and hotter guy and date that one... and break up in search for... younger fresher meat. *Roar*

In conclusion, what I need now is a 16-17 year-old super manly sexy hairy boy with a body to die for, with a major big one and hair that shines so the light blinds you and eyes that make your legs shake and a smile that makes it tingle between the legs.

Well maybe it could be done, but donno if I want that or if there is some one like that, Oh and I don't want to get arrested... since I turn 27 this year.

3. Kolla tv
Tjejer: Sex and the City. Finns ingenting som gör att du vill vara singel (och bara ligga runt) lika mycket som de här fyra mansslukerskorna.  Killar: Entourage. Se ovan, byt ut Cosmopolitans mot trekanter och sann man-love mellan Ari och Lloyd. Grymt.

3. Watch TV

Women: Sex and the City. So there is no other show that makes you wanna be single (and fuck around) as much as these four man eaters. Men: Entourage. See the above, exchanging Cosmopolitans for threesomes and true man love between Ari and Lloyd. Rules!

(My translation)

My observations

I say WHAT! Well first of all I don't watch TV. Not much anyway. Second of all TV is depressing. If you wanna stay depressed, watch TV. Otherwise DON'T. Second of all, if I got the author right, this entourage show is all about gay guys having sex... I bet all newly single guys turn at lest a bit gayish and yearn to watch real man love between Ari and Lloyd. (oki I know they ain't gay)  Third of all, isn't the whole idea with sex in the city for all four women to find a man and get married?

4. Träna
Hjälper dig att blåsa ut huvudet och, om så bara för en värdefull stund, få bort allt grubblande. Sedan underlättar det alltid att träffa sitt ex i lite bättre trim. Det är ego-boost.

4. Work Out

Helps you to forget, even only for a while. Takes away all pondering. And as an extra ego boost, its always nice to meet your ex looking trimmer than before.

(My translation)

My observations

Well yes, it's always good to work out. But it doesn't make you forget. I cried the first day in the gym. And remember that your ex is probably working his or her assss of trying to look good for the new love bunnies they expect to meet in the near future. So you gotta work harder and longer in order to make the better impression. Is it really worth the fuss?

Deal with it
Visst, ha din lilla sorgetid, men försök även i de mest svåra stunder, att låta bli att tänka på att ni kanske kommer att bli tillsammans igen. Allting förändras, kärlek likaså. Gilla läget.

5. Deal with it (haha Sweden is sooo Americanized)

Sure, have your time in morning. But even in the toughest times, try NOT to think you'll end up together in the end. Everything changes, even love. Deal with it.  

(My translation)

My observations

Exactly. The truth of the day. Life's a bitch and then you die, so have fun living it and don't get stuck in a bad relationship your whole life. One time broken up, ok, maybe you had a drunken fight. Make up sex and your good to go! Two times broken up, hmmm perhaps things need to change, work on it. Three times broken up... Face it, it's broken, can't be fixed. Yalla baby let's go.

6. Fokusera
Glöm inte allt det du hatade med ditt ex, hur fanskapet tuggade högt eller stönade högt varje gång han skulle träffa dina kompisar. Oavsett hur förbannat kära ni var, finns det garanterat saker du störde dig oändligt på. Gör detta till ditt återkommande minne.

6. Focus

Remember everything annoying about your ex, how loud the fucker chewed or how loud the brute complained when he had to socialize with your friends. However much you were in love, I guarantee that there is something that bothered you. So remember that, frequently. 

(My translation)

My observations

Been there tried that, it just made me cry. Remembering all the mean things he said and did. Why torture yourself? Well, on the other hand, it could be a useful instrument if your ex is near and really looking good, smelling like love, lips red and kissable. THEN, imagine him yelling and cursing you instead. That should decrease the swelling of the secret love grotto...

7. Svält
När vi gör slut och allting suger, är det ofta svårt att finna motivation till att äta. Utnyttja detta, ta din nyfunna kropp ut på stan - och insup komplimanger och drinkar.

7. Starvation

When we break up and life sucks it's hard to find the motivation to eat. Use this and take your new found body down town - and savor compliments as well as drinks.

(My translation)

My observations

Say what! We starve ourselves all year around... why find more reasons for starvation. Not only are we supposed to work out and starve ourselves add some drinks on that an I guarantee that you'll find yourself in the ex boyfriend's bed the next morning with major anxiety and a head ache like you've never had before!

8. Underskatta inte ditt marknadsvärde
Det är så lätt att vackla efter ett uppbrott och underskatta sig själv. Försök istället att komma ihåg hur många som tycker att du är helt fantastisk, och att det finns skäl till det. Alla relationer, långa som korta är ett nytt tillfälle att "göra om, göra rätt". Nu kör vi!

8. Don't underestimate your market-value

It's easy to underestimate yourself after a break up. Instead try to remember how many who think you are totally fabulous, and that there is a reason for that. Every relationship, short or long, is a new opportunity to "do over, do right". Do it, do it!   

(My translation)

My observations

The author has a point. No comment.

9. Drick
Jaja, vi vet att vi inte bör uppmuntra alkoholkonsumtion, och visst det är ingen långsiktig fix. Men, en ordentlig bläcka bör inte underskattas, se det mer som en Alvedon som dämpar smärta och måsten. Viktigt: Glöm inte alkolås på telefonen (det vill säga en obeveklig vän som inte under några omständigheter viker sig).

9. Get Drunk!

No, you shouldn't promote alcoholism, and it's not a long term solution. But, a real good drunken daze is not to be underestimated, look at it like a paracetamol that dulls the pain and have to's . Warning: Don't forget the alcohol lock on your cell (ei. a good firm friend who under no circumstances let's her/his guard down).

(My translation)

 My observations

Spirits are my best friends what keeps me going. I love Vodka in the morning. It really wakes you up! Works better then Listerin mouth wash. Beer for lunch, when you need a pick me up to cope with the rest of the day. And vine in the evening, just to relax and really goes good with a cigarette or two. Just before bed, a sweet liquor to keep me warm at night. Oh, and I don't feel a thing, no pain. 

10. Bli glad (Överkurs)
Försök att fokusera på allt som är sådär fantastiskt och glatt i ditt liv just nu. Tänk på ditt grymma jobb, softa kompisar och de härliga höstkläderna. Lyckas du med detta, maila mig. Jag lyckas fan inte.

10. Happiness (extra curricular activity)

Try focus on everything fantastic and jolly in your life. Your kick ass job, cool friends and this years heavenly fall collection. If you succeed, mail me. I just cant fucking do it.

(My translation)

My observations

Well I'm not surprised... Ann's 10 steps will soon come :)


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