It's all good!
So here we are, single and happy. Yet I don't feel single. I spent this week-end nearly every minute with my Ex B... Things aren't that different from before really, except no fighting, no socializing in public either. It's more like we disappear in our world again where we know, love and cherish each other.
Lazy week-end
We had a week-end long Harry Potter marathon. Haha yes it takes all week-end to watch all movies, since we fell asleep each night in front of the telly. I babysat my nephew and dragged him around to all my friends and also my Ex Bs daddies birthday dinner :) Just loooove his family. My nephew played X-box with Ex B's big brother, it was sooo sweet. Think he has a nurturing bone in him, you who know him probably wouldn't believe me, but its true. Ok, so he threw a fit during his dad's birthday party but over all he can be nice. :D
To be Jealous or Not... Nooooo Why Bother...
The weekend was very nice indeed no drama. Just cozy delirium. Oh andn I almost forgot a phone call from the girl who has really set her sights on my Ex B. Hehe. Was a bit jealous a while there but realized after some deliberation that what happens, happens. And she is a nice girl so best of luck to ya babe... maybe I should give you an alias... What should it be? Nothing toooo evil from my part, since I do like her. Hmmm Goldylocks yeah that's sweet :D Well anyway, Goldy wanted him to come over and join their girls' only party... how kinky is that! "oh and you can bring a friend ;)" Have to admit that it was a brave thing to do. You go girl!
Plans for the Near and Far Future
Wonder how all this will end. If we become friends who nobody gets? We joked about that saying that if we meet new people and still have this relationship it's gonna be really weird. imagine: "I'm just gonna go and visit my friend, you know who, and cuddle for a while, see you later babe" That wouldn't be popular would it? Well I just have to hope for the best and stick to what makes me happy and stay true to myself! I'm reconnecting with old friends. Next week-end I'll spend with my Darling S! Love that girl. We are gonna concur Västerås! This girl always drives me really hard! Every time I visit her it takes a week to recover. Jesus, it's gonna be a ball next week-end.
Looking forward to it! Life is good <3